Friday, February 29, 2008

News From Europe: Triple Saltos

Here is a video that was found on You Tube- it is a collection of all the triple saltos performed at the 2007 European Championships in Holland. Simple Amazing.

Click the picture or HERE to veiw the video on YouTube!

Competition Calender 2008

Here is the latest competition calender for 2008. The dates and venues are subject to change;

March 2008
Regional Prelims (1st-16th March) VARIOUS LOCATIONS
British Championships (28-30th March) FENTON MANOR - Stoke on Trent

April 2008
Bucks Open Championships -(20th April) Kingston Gymnastics Centre- Milton Keynes

May 2008
21-25 World Cup Publier, FRANCE

29th September - ? Glasgow (Venue TBC)

28-30 British Open Tournament @ Fenton Manor

Please let me know of any other competitions you want adding to the calender.