Saturday, May 27, 2006


We all know how hard it is to find, the perfect and original pieces of music for acro routines. There are the favorites of NDP gymnasts- Mission Impossible etc etc...You've all heard them performed over and over again. Each competition seems to have its favorites, recently Chicago-Esq. 'jazz' music and more unquie beats are the most popular at both regional and national competitons.

What is important is that the style of the music is varied and allows creative choreography. It must also suit the gymnasts, there is nothing worse than seeing gymnasts on the floor, dancing uncomfatably to music they hate. With a huge 10 points now avalible for artistry its is more important than ever to find the perfect piece of music.

Here is a selection of my faves that you can download for free, they are all cut to 2.30mins ready to be choregraphed:

Latino- Would You? (mp3)
South American Jazz (mp3)
Aladdin (mp3)
Woo Woo Song (mp3)
Japanese Elegance (mp3)

They will be availble to download later this week.

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